Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Loving your husband: Admire him.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;  that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. - Titus 2:3-5

We’ve been talking about loving our husbands and there are four A’s that specifically minister to their confidence and motivation:

  1. Accept him.

  2. Admire him

  3. Adapt to him.

  4. Appreciate him. 

Today we will be exploring admiration, a wonderful way to love and build up your husband.  

What is Admiration?


 1. to regard with 

  • wonder, 

  • delight (a feeling of great pleasure), 

  • and pleased approval 

 2. to have high regard for (CollinsDictionary.com)

Love your husband and hold him in reverence, it says in the Bible.  That means admire him.  

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. - Ephesians 5:33 (KJV)

Reverence, a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something.

Ex. She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors.

Some translations say “respect her husband” rather than reverence.  What does it mean to respect?


1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements, esteem, regard (giving special attention to and/or concern for)

2. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others.

When we reverence respect our husbands through acceptance and admiration, we let them know that we have confidence in them to lead the family and that we trust them.   When we show them this deep respect, we become cheerleaders for our husbands and spur them on to do great things for the team. It brings them alive!

 “Daddy’s Home”, Lawrence Wilbur,1897-1998, American

How to show admiration:

  • Regard him with pleased approval, wonder and delight.

  • Greet him at the door with hugs, kisses, smiles, something good to eat.

  • When he comes into the room, pay attention to him, look up, put down what you are doing. Let him know you love having him around.

  • Put the phone down and look at him. You are saying to him that you think enough of him to put away all other distractions.

  • Listen to him when he talks to you and respond to him in a positive way. Don’t interrupt or be preoccupied. Show interest.   

  • When you get into bed, turn off the phone, put down your book or magazine, and turn toward and look at your husband. Cuddle with him. Give him a few moments of full attention before going to sleep and it may even turn into something more exciting. 

  • Have some little rituals at home that show your esteem like bringing him his food or drinks, hanging up his clothes for him. If he asks you to do something, do it right then if at all possible.  

  • Tell him how blessed you are to be his wife

Maybe you are thinking you have a husband who doesn’t deserve admiration?  What if he does nothing but lay on the sofa and drink beer? You can restart his engine with compliments. Find something to be positive about even if you have to go back to the early days of your relationship.

Compliment him for his unique and manly qualities. 

Why give him admiration? Because he deserves it.  He really does!

I bet he would take a bullet for you. That in itself is reason to highly esteem him.

But don’t stop there. 

Look for his admirable qualities and give him a sincere compliment every day. Compliment him on his looks and his masculinity. Tell him you love his body and how excited it makes you. Pick out his most masculine characteristics and let him know they please you. Tell him how handsome he is and how great he is at his work. Admire his muscles.  If he is a man, he has some…so admire them!

Now don’t get indignant about this and claim men shouldn’t need our admiration.  We as women want to know that we are lovely and desirable in general because of our form and appearance. In the same way, men want to know that they are desirable because of their masculine virtues. Men and women were made to be attracted to each other and this need is all a part of that process. 

Learn to respect his masculine approach to life, family challenges and problems. Men rescue, repair, provide, protect and are active and proactive. Men act out of responsibility, duty and character. It’s up to you as his woman, to take note of these things and praise him for them when you see them.

He mostly likely exhibits to some degree the following masculine virtues:

  • Hard-working financial provider

  • Competent at his work

  • Competent in the bedroom

  • Good husband, father and son

  • Rugged good looks

  • Physically strong and fit and able to do the tough work: hunting, farming, chopping wood, chainsawing, keeping all the property in good shape.

  • Protective

  • Holds to his convictions even when unpopular

  • Courageous and brave…takes on the hard stuff…

  • Loyal

  • Steady and stable

  • Honest and trustworthy

  • Good sense of humor

  • Intelligent

  • Makes good decisions

  • Oversees the family finances, savings and retirement planning

  • Fair and reasonable in discussions

  • Self-controlled, sober

  • Serves the community through church, civic organizations, and clubs

So put that man of yours up on a pedestal.  Give him your sincere respect and  admiration.

Doing so will be loving him, edifying him, strengthening him, motivating him, and making him want to be an even better man.

I love y’all!

-Amy Laurie

Reading / Journaling

  • Song of Solomon gives examples of two lovers praising each other. Read through the book one chapter a day and make notes in your journal of the relevant passages. 

  • In a nutshell, what are four areas that are especially helpful to praise a man for?

    • Strength

    • Capability (at work, finances, making decisions, at fathering and husbanding, in the bedroom)

    • Looks

    • Courage, bravery

    • Moral integrity

  • Make a list of your husband’s masculine strengths.  Keep them somewhere you can refer to them frequently. 

  • If you haven’t begun doing this, let me encourage you to start praising your husband.  Point out to him frequently his positive traits. Give him one good compliment a day.   Watch him flourish in your respect and admiration.

Loving your husband: Fulfill his sexual desires.

That they may teach the younger women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children. - Titus 2: 4 (KJV) The closer a woman ge...

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